Township Trustee Wanted

The Charter Township of Oscoda is currently seeking a Township Board Trustee.

Qualifications: Must be a township elector (18 years of age, U.S. citizen, lived at least 30 days in the township for which they will serve).

Demonstrate knowledge about township law (general law or charter) government responsibilities, functions and powers.

Identify the major functions of each branch of government—local, state and federal—along with their relationship to one another.

Understand the duties and responsibilities of the office of township trustee.

Aware of the roles and responsibilities of other elected and appointed offices in the township

Demonstrates knowledge of the various committees, boards and commissions serving the township, including

their roles and responsibilities

Understands how township policies and procedures are set

Demonstrates knowledge of how ordinances are lawfully adopted and legally enforced.

Applications can be obtained at the Township Hall Clerk’s office or on the website at: .