Planning Commission

The Planning Commission consists of seven members appointed by the Township Board. The Commission serves in both an advisory and administrative role for matters relating to land use and development. The Planning Commission prepares the Township's Master Plan and makes recommendations on proposed public improvements based on the Plan. The Commission hears and acts upon Special Land Use permits and Site Plan applications and makes recommendations on amendments to the Zoning Ordinance text or map, Subdivisions, and Planned Unit Developments.

The Planning Commission meets on the first Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. temporarily at the Robert J. Parks Library. Current members of the Commission are:

Planning Commission




Matthew Cleary


December 31, 2026

Jacqueline Mackenzie


December 31, 2025

Christine Beckner


December 31, 2024

Timothy O'Connor


December 31, 2024

Ted Anderson


December 31, 2026

Robert Tasior  Trustee, Township Board Representative Trustee
Vicki Hopcroft  Vice-Chair December 31, 2026


1. Member appointments expire on December 31 - 1, 2 or 3 yrs after appointment/reappointment date.
2. The Township Board is required to appoint/reappoint one third (1/3) of the membership annually with the exception of elected officials.
3. Elected official's term expires with their election term.
4. Officers are selected annually at the June regular meeting.

For more information, please contact the Planning and Zoning Director at Planning and Zoning or (989) 739-3211 Ext. 250.

Planning and Zoning

Planning Commission 2024 Meeting Schedule/Deadline Dates